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Hydrated Quick
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Company Profile
Ankur Minerals Pvt. Ltd. was established in the year 1991 . The company is engaged in manufacturing of Quick Lime & Hydrated Lime. The company has a manufacturing plant located at village Khejarla in Jodhpur District with an installed capacity of 30000 MT of Quick Lime and 40000 MT of Hydrated Lime per annum. In addition to this, associate concerns of the company M/s Carbonate Corporation situated at Gotan, has manufacturing capacity of 30000 MT per annum of Hydrated Lime. We are pioneer in modernization and up gradation of lime manufacturing technology.
  • Mr. Shiv Kumar Pitti
  • Mr. Narendra Kumar Pitti
  • Mr. Mahendra Kumar Pitti
    All The Directors of the company have expertise in this line of business for more than 35 years
    The plant and machinery of the company comprises of fuel efficient and eco-friendly kilns for manufacturing of quick Lime and a fully automatic plant for Hydrated Lime to deliver the best and most suitable quality of the Lime. The plant is self designed & updated on the basis of self experiences and expertise.
    In order to ensure continuous and uninterrupted production the policies and infrastructure of the company are fully geared up to this requirement. Production bottleneck factors such as inadequate power supply, inadequate plant maintenance system, inadequate raw material supply, inadequate storage capacity, labour policy, etc all given very high importance and kept under well control.
    Quality Assurance
    Deliver most suitable product meeting customer's requirement and time schedule.
    Involvement through training of employees for improving their skills to maintain quality of the product.
    Contact us
    E-54 Kalpatru Shopping Center, Shastri Nagar, Jodhpur
    Tel : + 91-9829027207 (M)
    +91-291-2635271,2636245 (O)
    +91-291-2622662 (Fax)
    E-mail :
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